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North Carolina Association of Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists (NC ACDIS) Bylaws


Article I - Name

North Carolina Association of Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists (NCACDIS)


Article II - Mission

The mission of NC ACDIS is to promote continuing educational programs and professional growth for Clinical Documentation Integrity Professionals. Examples of Clinical Documentation Integrity Professionals include CDI specialists, RHIA, RHIT, CCS, and other related healthcare professionals.

The NC ACDIS will provide support in networking opportunities through conferences and NC ACDIS affiliated informational sources.


Article III- Geographic Boundaries

This organization is for all CDI professionals with the primary focus of those living and/or working in North Carolina, the Southeast region, and all others interested.


Article IV- Membership

Any CDI Specialist or related professional working in the clinical documentation profession, such as CDIS, Coder, and Auditor, and/or living within the stated geographic boundaries stated in Article III are eligible to join. There is a dues payment per person per year (subject to increase per board vote).


The dues will include a one-year membership to the North Carolina ACDIS Chapter. The dues will include an NC ACDIS pin, reduced conference registration, eligibility for the CDI of the Year Award, and reduced national ACDIS membership.


Yearly dues must be paid in full to receive full benefits. Annual membership dues are determined by the officers and are due during the months of April and May. The membership term is from May to April, regardless of which month you join. The membership fee can be paid via the NC ACDIS website or under the individual circumstance, and other payment arrangements can be made.

Active membership to National ACDIS does not include an NC ACDIS membership.


Article V - Voting

Members are eligible to participate in the voting process. The voting process will include voting on bylaws, the election of officers, and any other matters determined by the officers.


Regarding Board Member Positions: We take nominations and volunteers for board positions all year. We will vote for those positions for the upcoming year in December. In the event an elect position is vacant, and we have a nomination or volunteer anytime throughout the year, we will have an interim vote to fill the position, regardless of the timeframe. The officers will review nominations for eligibility and willingness to serve. Yearly elections will be held in late fall/ early winter. In the event we have more than one applicant, we will distribute ballots via email during election time to members. Voting will close on December 1st (subject to change). The elected officers will be announced on the association webpage and introduced during the Winter conference. 


Nominee Eligibility:  Must have a current or previous position within the last two years promoting clinical documentation Integrity. Nominees do not have to be a member of NC ACDIS or National ACDIS; if elected, they will be required to become a member of National ACDIS. Nominees for President must hold the CCDS or CDIP. Should a president-elect not hold the CCDS or CDIP, the expectation is that the CCDS  or CDIP will be obtained before assuming the office of President.


Elections will be held yearly in December.


Other matters requiring a vote will be accomplished by email ballot. After the results from the email ballot have been determined, the Secretary will distribute the results to all members.


In the event we do not have multiple board member volunteers, The board will send out an email notification with details of the candidate to members, and if there is no objection within 2 weeks,we will fill the position with the person who has expressed interest. After 2 weeks, pending no objections- a confirmation email will be sent out to members.


Other matters of concern should be expressed to any of the elected officers.


Article VI- Officers/Board Members

The NC ACDIS Board consists of current elected officers and one-year past officers. 


All officers and board member positions are voluntary and non-compensated.


Elected officers will include President, President-elect, Secretary, Secretary-elect, Treasurer, Treasure-elect, Social Media Coordinator, and Social Media Coordinator-elect, and they must hold current membership to National ACDIS.


Terms run from January through December of a Calendar year.



The President must hold a current Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist (CCDS) or Clinical Documentation Improvement Professional (CDIP) credential and must be a member of the National Association of Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists (ACDIS). The President-elect must be in pursuit and have obtained the credential prior to the assumption of the President's office.


The President and President-elect will hold a one-year term.


The President-elect will assume the office of the President at the end of the President's term. If, for some reason, the President cannot fulfill their duties, the President-elect will assume office.


Secretary / Secretary-elect

The Secretary and Secretary-elect will hold a one-year term.


The Secretary-elect will assume the office of the Secretary at the end of the Secretary’s term. If, for some reason, the Secretary cannot fulfill their duties, the Secretary-elect will assume the office.


Treasurer / Treasurer-elect

The Treasurer and Treasurer-elect will hold a one-year term.


The Treasurer-elect will assume the office of the Treasurer at the end of the Treasurer’s term. If, for some reason, the Treasurer cannot fulfill their duties, the Treasurer-elect will assume the office.


Social Media Coordinator / Social Media Coordinator-elect

The Social Media Coordinator and Social Media Coordinator-elect will hold a one-year term.


The Social Media Coordinator-elect will assume the office of the Social Media Coordinator at the end of the Social Media Coordinator’s term. If, for some reason, the Social Media Coordinator cannot fulfill their duties, the Social Media Coordinator-elect will assume the office.


Other officer matters

If an officer is not fulfilling their role responsibilities, the officers will convene. After reviewing, the officers may take action to remove the officer from their position. An officer may relinquish their position at any time. A 30-day notice should be given to allow the elect officer time to prepare for their new position.


In the event of an unplanned vacant position, an eligible candidate will be sought and appointed by the officers.


Elected officers must attend 75% of board and quarterly meetings,


Current NC ACDIS officers and retired Board members are exempt from NC ACDIS membership dues and conference fees for a maximum of (4) years.


Duties of the Board  and officers include, but are not limited to:


President-  The President assumes responsibility for the Association’s consistent achievement of its mission by;  providing direction and leadership to achieve the Association's purpose, strategy, and objectives. The President serves as Chairman of the NC ACDIS  Board. The President will be the liaison between National ACDIS  and  NC ACDIS.



  • Oversees the election process.

  • Conducts quarterly board meetings.

  • Oversees conference planning, implementation, and evaluation.

  • Provides oversight of the NC ACDIS website.

  • Provide direction and leadership to the social media coordinator and Internet presence subcommittee.

  • Meets quarterly with the Treasurer to review the budget and financial statements.

  • Is a designated cosigner for the NC ACDIS bank account.

  • Meet and/or discuss with Treasurer before any purchases are made for NC ACDIS.

  • Delegates any other duties as necessary to officers and committees.

  • Ensures review of conference evaluations and communicates results of evaluations to the conference speakers.

  • Responsible for submitting and obtaining of CEUs from National ACDIS.

  • Will provide continuity of programs already implemented and help to develop future priorities.



President-elect – will act as an aide to the President and assume the duties of this office in the event inability of the president to preside. The President-elect will assume their respective office at the end of the corresponding officer’s term. 



  • The President-elect accepts responsibilities delegated by the President, such as representing the President at meetings and any other duties as appropriate to the Presidency. 

  • Will assume the role of President after one year.


Secretary–The Secretary is responsible for communication and record-keeping.



  • Records minutes of meetings, Board and officer meetings, and conference planning calls.

  • Responsible for posting and maintaining minutes on Association’s repository.

  • Ensures all NC ACDIS correspondence is addressed.

  • Maintains current roster of members.

  • Responsible for oversight of review and revision of bylaws.

  • Distributes bylaws and chapter business to NC ACDIS members.

  • Maintain membership and nominations for Board Members and CDI Professional of the Year.

  • Responsible for Association's laptop computer.

  • Responsible for maintaining a backup of Associations files on google drive.

  • Oversees conference information/registration and other duties involving conferences.


Treasurer- The Treasurer will oversee the finances of NC ACDIS



  • Maintains accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of the Chapter.

  • Maintains bank account.

  • Submits quarterly financial reports to the officers.

  • Annually files form 990-N electronic notice to the Dept of Treasury.

  • Maintains the NC ACDIS PO box.

  • Obtains NC ACDIS pins.

  • Seeks advice from an accountant as needed upon approval from the president.

  • Reports financial updates at conferences.

  • Oversees the conference venue/food/vendor committee.

  • Responsible for payment of  NC ACDIS chapter expenses.

  • Reconciles, maintains, and update square account presence.

  • Purchases giveaways and speaker honorariums.



Social Media Coordinator - The Social Media Coordinator will oversee the online presence of NC ACDIS



  • Updates and educates Board on all social media platforms, including but not limited to GoTo Meeting, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the NC-ACDIS website.

  • Assures media releases are Board approved prior to public view. Social Media Coordinator -elect to assist in this role.

  • Annually and PRN updates to the NC-ACDIS Website to include but not limited to Board biographies and headshots along with CDI Professional of the Year.

  • For WebEx and on-site conferences, will assist with the audiovisual setup and assist with chats during Q&A time and any other necessary troubleshooting.

  • For onsite conferences, takes and displays digital pictures for media platforms.

  • Report at the end-of-year to talk about collective social media.

  • Link in information from National over to local for members.


Treasurer-elect, Secretary-elect, and Social Media Coordinator-elect positions will act as aides to Treasurer,  Secretary, and Social Media Coordinator, respectively, and assume the duties of these offices in the inability of the officer to perform their duties. They will assume their respective office at the end of the corresponding officer’s term. 


Article VII- Meetings/Conferences/Webinar

The NC ACDIS will hold conferences – twice a year and provide online webinars as available. This is subject to change depending on variables and availability impacting decision-making and planning. NC ACDIS aims to provide up to 10 CEUs per calendar year via conferences and webinars. (*Subject to change/availability).


Anyone interested can attend the conferences, without membership, for a fee. NC ACDIS officers and conference speakers receive free registration. The conference hosting facility will receive up to 3 free registrations.


Registration and fees must be received five days prior to the conference. No registration or payment at the door unless there is prior approval by the president.


Refunds can be given for unforeseen circumstances with NC ACDIS Board approval.


If NC ACDIS has to cancel a scheduled conference due to unforeseen circumstances, conference fees will be refunded.


A volunteer host facility/appropriate venue will be obtained to hold each conference. The officers, along with the host facility, will collaborate together and organize the conference details.  Refer to the Conference Prep sheet.


We will develop a calendar for the year so that we stay on track for planning,
membership, and events. Will assign committees to help with each.


Officers will meet twice annually and as needed.


Joint conferences can be scheduled with other states or organizations.


Article VIII-Committees

The following committees are to assist the officers in conference planning and are directed by the overseeing officer.

  1. Speaker

  2. Food, vendors, and Venue

  3. Gifts

  4. Internet presence

With the advancement and growth of the NC ACDIS, future committees will be developed.


Article IX-Contracts and Finances

This is a not-for-profit organization. The Treasurer and President will be responsible for the chapter bank account. Either of these two designated officers may write checks and or use credit/debit cards on behalf of the organization. No self-reimbursement will be allowed. All expenditures must be approved by the President prior to payment of any monies on behalf of the NC ACDIS Chapter organization.


NC ACDIS does not formally endorse any sponsor or participating vendor. NC ACDIS may accept vendor support to promote educational programs and professional growth.


All financial records will be kept for a minimum of 7 years. Financial records will be posted on the NC ACDIS repository. The funds will be deposited in a designated bank account determined by the treasurer. Per the request of the designated bank for NC ACDIS accounts, any changes in officers, minutes from each chapter meeting, and Bylaws will be given to the bank. Off-going officers should relinquish their access to the bank account and email within six months after they relinquish their title as an officer. Passwords will be changed periodically for security.


Article X- Amendment of Bylaws

The officers will review the bylaws annually in February, and members will be notified in March/April for approval. The first two weeks in March will be a comment period; if there are no comments or recommendations, the bylaws will be finalized as is. Any comments or recommendations will be discussed, reviewed, and updated by the Board.


The bylaws may be amended by the members of a majority online vote. The newly amended bylaws will therefore be amended, and a copy will be sent to all members.


Article XI- Indemnification

NC ACDIS may indemnify officers and agents of NC ACDIS to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.


Article XII- Dissolution

Upon the event of dissolution of the NC ACDIS Chapter Organization, any funds remaining will be applied to a final conference.


© 2024 by NC ACDIS. 

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